Saw mi carrying tt guy?
It was a bloody guy.
I really thought it was a girl in the first place la!
Really like this blogskin comparing to the previous lame blogskin.
Look at me.
So manly right?
That goes without saying!
Monday, March 29, 2010
btp! i want my life to be better. thought holidays started a month ago.. i still feel tt i have not accomplish anything. like no goal or anything. seriously i should just stop doing unhealthy things and train more. just came back from hilltop wif leon and others. though we train and train but after tt we drink and unhealthy stuff gets in again. unhealthy stuffs deprove us but training improves it back.. this cycles keep continuing and in conclusion? we still at de same place. negative and positive and so on just made us back to de original place. old habits die hard and training just seems like a thing to kill time. i dun want tt. i want to grow big and fit. looking into de mirror makes mi feel like still some small secondary school students. so i should just train hard! eat and eat until swallow saliva oso difficult! keep it this way den do less of those unhealthy stuff again.. abt time! ja-na!
handwritten @ 9:42 AM
+++ Hope never ends with Death +++
Profile Boi Nan Sheng
Westwood Secondary, Ngeeann Poly, dismissed from Ngeeann Poly.
Electronic and Computer Engineering[ECE]
His family,
His friends,
Everything that belongs to him.
Those that are true to me :D